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St Joseph’s Hospice Tribute Garden
A special online space where you can celebrate and remember your loved one's life through photos, memories and donations.
All kind donations received in memory will help us continue our work supporting local people with a life-limiting illness, along with their families.
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St Joseph’s Hospice Tribute Garden
(All Tributes)
All Tributes
(135 tributes)
Peter Quinn
Elizabeth Race
Kavita Ramchandani
Our Mum
John Rand
1967 - 2012
Jacinta Richard Simon
Janice Rossetti
Jane Rowland
Chris Sargeant
Alistair Saunders (Al)
1969 - 2021
Betty Score/Norman
Myra Scully
1931 - 2022
Shirley Shannon
Royston Sheppard
Ian Shields
Margaret Shoebridge
Michael Sims
1954 - 2019
Patricia Smith
Robert Stechman
Sue Stuart
1951 - 2020
Rebecca Margaret Swift
1964 - 2017
Eileen Timson
Gianni Battista Tiramani
1951 - 2014
Mark Tower
1959 - 2019
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